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“1% inspiration, 99% perspiration”  ---Einstein

Welcome to 

Biomass & Biorefinery Research Lab

Jinguang Hu Group | University of Calgary

About us


It is clear, that by mid-century, to avoid the worst-case scenarios of anthropogenic climate change, our society will have to rely on sustainable and renewable resources rather than fossil fuels. Biomass is a key proposed component of several climate mitigation strategies, with substantial involvement of future energy and material systems. Our "Biomass and Biorefinery Research Lab" aims at use biomass, catalysis, and microbes to create new concept of energy/materials/systems for sustainable bioeconomy. These hybrid technology approaches provide potential route to economically viable energy production (hydrogen + biofuels) + biomass CO2 captured negative emission technologies (NET) (biomaterials + biochemicals), thus are clearly an important early step in the complete decarbonization of our society. 

Current Research Focus

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Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2L 1Y1
3535 Research Rd NW, University Research Centre, URC-2E-215

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